Sunshine will blow my mind, and the wind blow my brain..
Love your blog Ling!! So much information on here!! Hope to see you again soon and safe travels. Jonny (Panny's boyfriend)
入坑三年,終於可以以合理距離現場睇到Mirror 12子的演出。雖然去年有兩次機會見到mirror,分別係迪士尼Fantastic Meet活動的mini concert 同埋喺會展搞嘅12怪盗分享會,但兩次的體驗都頗災難性。迪士尼那次雖然已提早兩小時去擺位,但因係唔夠早,連鏡仔...
Love your blog Ling!! So much information on here!! Hope to see you again soon and safe travels. Jonny (Panny's boyfriend)