Sunshine will blow my mind, and the wind blow my brain..
星期日我地去左日本北海道.... 0既西面元朗大棠看紅葉。D 相係咪呃到下人呢? 其實成個 area 就只有幾棵楓樹,卻吸引了很多龍友山長水遠走來看。香港人也夠無聊的。
所謂大棠紅葉的實景其實是這樣的 :
can't believe Tai Tong have a such beautiful should be near my home...[版主回覆12/23/2010 12:13:00]really close to your place. I saw your place when I took the bus to Tai Tong. You should go there for BBQ or have a walk
入坑三年,終於可以以合理距離現場睇到Mirror 12子的演出。雖然去年有兩次機會見到mirror,分別係迪士尼Fantastic Meet活動的mini concert 同埋喺會展搞嘅12怪盗分享會,但兩次的體驗都頗災難性。迪士尼那次雖然已提早兩小時去擺位,但因係唔夠早,連鏡仔...
can't believe Tai Tong have a such beautiful should be near my home...
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/23/2010 12:13:00]really close to your place. I saw your place when I took the bus to Tai Tong. You should go there for BBQ or have a walk