Top 10 places to spend your Christmas - Hong Kong (by CNN)
Hong Kong, China
Why: Hong Kong may take top billing when it comes to having one of the most commercial and unauthentic Christmases around, but the city has its strong points.
Most shops are open even on Christmas Day, allowing residents to do Christmas shopping at literally the last minute. Many expats are out of town during the Christmas season, which means your favorite watering hole is probably quieter than usual.
And let's not forget the brilliant Christmas light displays on buildings on both sides of Victoria Harbour, and the 30-meter Swarovski crystal Christmas tree in Central, which tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents and Mainland Chinese tourists love to gawk at.
其實香港的所謂聖誕氣氛是靠大財團堆砌出來的。Christmas = Business。準備好投進這個聖誕消費陷阱裡沒有?