2007年8月5日 星期日

Six Months In a Leaky Boat - Little Birdy



好開心終於俾我搵到呢首"Six Months In a Leaky Boat",真係好難搵,由澳洲番來到依家,就不斷去搵。

難搵係因為呢首歌係一首地道澳洲歌,而 Little Birdy的版本更加係一個翻唱版本,難上加難。

我只0係澳洲聽過呢首歌三次,第一次係0係emerald backpackers打工時無聊聽收音機聽到,第一句"when i was a young girl, i wanted sail around the world"已經好搶耳,我甚麼都沒有做,就這樣靜靜地聽著過這首歌。歌詞有大量澳洲俚語同地方名,我唔係聽得好明,但係首歌的確帶俾我好大0既震撼。可惜個節目冇交代首歌係咩歌。之後自己行cd鋪,咁岩間鋪就播住呢首歌,再翻閱cd店的免費音樂雜誌,先知道首歌係由perth rock band little birdy翻唱,收錄在一隻叫"She will have her way"-既雜錦翻唱唱片中,向澳洲兩位多產音樂人致敬。一直牢記住呢一首歌的資料,終於0係今日搵到,一口氣聽了五次,不其然想起第一次在emeral backpackers的床上聽到這首歌的情形。


When I was a young girl
I wanted to sail around the world
That’s the life for me, living on the sea
Spirit of a sailor, circumnavigates the globe
The lust of a pioneer, will acknowledge
No frontier
I remember you by, thunderclap in the sky
Lightning flash, tempers flare,
’round the horn if you dare
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Lucky just to keep afloat

Aotearoa, rugged individual
Glisten like a pearl
At the bottom of the world
The tyranny of distance
Didn’t stop the cavalier
So why should it stop me
I’ll conquer and stay free
Ah c’mon all you lads
Let’s forget and forgive
There’s a world to explore
Tales to tell back on shore
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Six months in a leaky boat

Ship-wrecked love can be cruel
Don’t be fooled by her kind
There’s a wind in my sails
Will protect and prevail
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Nothing to it leaky boat.



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