Hi! Thanks for sharing of your south america trip, which is very useful for me and it is better than LP. After Bolivia, how is your trip in Peru? I am looking forward to seeing it. [版主回覆09/20/2010 23:11:00]Thanks for your comment ar! 你令我知道原來我個 blog 真係有人睇。秘魯篇好快會寫架啦。
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/19/2010 17:06:00]一來我諗唔到佢諗到0既野; 二來佢唔係得個講字,佢真係實踐緊佢 o既價值觀; 三來佢叻到可以 inspire 同 lead 到佢身邊 0既叻人同佢一齊實踐佢0既價值觀。呢三樣野唔係咁多人可以同時做到。
Hi! Thanks for sharing of your south america trip, which is very useful for me and it is better than LP.
回覆刪除After Bolivia, how is your trip in Peru? I am looking forward to seeing it.
[版主回覆09/20/2010 23:11:00]Thanks for your comment ar! 你令我知道原來我個 blog 真係有人睇。秘魯篇好快會寫架啦。