2006年12月30日 星期六


下星期就上0既exam revision class到今日先firm到幾時上




舊年除夕,0係澳洲nossa river knoeing,0係荒山野嶺同變色龍、火雞等過左個靜雞雞0既除夕



2006年12月29日 星期五

blog morning

今日番早,可能因為d學生開唔到email,無咩enquires-> 無咩做。雖然forsee到來緊有好多野做,有百幾個email同電話要打,但呢一刻又咩都做唔到。點解d大粒做野咁抆,搞到成 日D野都咁趕?

太無聊,0係公司上網睇BLOG,睇SFAC人BLOG,睇BU HRM人BLOG,睇同公司人BLOG,睇OZ WHM人BLOG。發覺想去OZ 0既HK人真係唔少,慶幸自己趁未加QUOTA時去左。唔係話唔想0係OZ見到HK人,只係如果好似果D依家0係OZ0既HK人見到咁多自己友就唔係咁好。好似D KOREAN/JAPANESE,就係因為同鄉多,0係WORKING HOSTEL朝見口晚見面,行為言行都要有所避忌,又要同同鄉搞關係,人際關係變得複雜,變相失去左做BACKPACKER0既意義。我0係OZ一年唔計TAK只遇過4個HK人,1個0係WORKING HOSTEL見,好興奮,其餘3個就係旅程尾數時0係PERTH 一間HOSTEL見,同樣興奮,已經足夠。

我又再一次APPLY 記者。聽講上司要調職,令我更加想走。呢份工其中一個令我留戀-既地方係遇到一個好上司。佢要走,令我更加想0係PROBATION未過時轉工。

2006年12月28日 星期四


今日一番工就收到account 0既同事投訴我mis report打錯d野,叫我去revised. 上司0係我未番工之前充3幫我fix左,但始終有點不是味兒。

then發現上司俾好多較重0既工作ka ho做,我就好得閒無所事事,有d擔心,似乎佢懷疑我0既辦事能力。

2006年12月24日 星期日




因為cliff打俾佢地話可以causal wear

我口痕話早知我都著causal d












2006年12月22日 星期五


尋日係x mas party前最後一日番工,holiday mood都出sai,但又好多野做,lunch time都冇出去

由於番夜我最fresh,我要去愛賓。咁0岩mkt果邊又想同d學生搞d function,又派野飲又派神秘禮物,但係佢地自己又唔hold個function,要我去hold,於是唔擅長搞氣氛-既我就無la la做左禮物小姐。

愛賓有兩班學生,一班0係iadba,個function由個阿sir負責,我只負責將派餘0既野飲帶走。我入去果時d人仲上緊堂,雖然阿sir都叫d學生去拎野飲,我又叫d人拎完可以再拎,但都冇人show我地,派餘好多野。另一班係uop hrmdd,咁0岩我又要去做evaluation要stop個lesson,我又識個阿sir tony,所以氣氛好好。做完evaluation,叫番tony入課室,同d學生講椅下有merry chritmas紙條,搵到可以換禮物,估唔到大家都搵得好投入,尤其阿sir,甚合作,搵得好投入,帶動到個氣氛,但明明mkt俾左四份禮物我,但只有2個學生搵到紙條。於是另外兩份我就叫學生搶答。首先我問問d人係咪所有學生都係intake 27,因為我想問佢地intake 27學費幾時dead,點知個個鬼咁快舉手,佢地以為呢條係一條搶答題。第二條問題就係hrmdd功課幾時deadline。見佢地咁投入我都幾高興。番到公司都samuel講番d問題,佢都讚我醒。

今日就要出金鐘christmas party,約左don同ka ho一齊番。金鐘個center真係幾靚,d課室個view好正,pro好多。不過d committe 11:15am先set好野,等左好耐。首先好彩係食野,因為我已經等到好肚餓,好彩有pizza hut pizza。同margaret、ka ho、jason hui吹水吹得幾開心,原來同margaret都可以好causal咁傾計。佢都鍾意行山,又記得ka ho有女朋友,又記得我0係外國番來。then玩game,ok混亂,由五個game cut 餘3 個,有很多等待0既時間。第一個係正字遊戲,第二個係舉棋仔,最搞笑係其中一條,個host講一個人名,如果果個人結左婚要舉紅色,未結就舉黃色。其中一個人名大家都唔知係邊個,原來係samuel個全朵。第三個game係photo hunt。最後win果team一人有一百蚊cash,好羨慕。之後抽獎,人人有份,even最cheap價值唔會低過二百。第一份即係最cheap的係muji文具set 加百佳現金劵,其實都ok。有d又大又唔等使0既有micorwave、暖風機、hot pot爐,我抽中部dvd機,唔係好笑得出,因為屋企都有。後來先醒起可以放入房。抽獎0既大獎係will 遊戲機,唔知係乜,worth$24xx!! then公司最大粒果4個人每人送出一份禮物,分別係samuel、trini、margaret同mabel,don抽中左mabel份大獎,竟然係幾粒金莎加兩千蚊cash!!!見佢拎出d五百蚊紙果下真係好羨慕!!!i need cash!!

2006年12月19日 星期二

Thirsty Merc - Someday Someday


Thirsty Merc is one the the most sucessful Aussie rock band. Of course I've nevr heard of them before I went to Oz. Their two successful singles- "Someday Someday" and "In the summer time" are so popular, so pop and so touching.

"Someday Someday" is a touching song, takling about a poor boy decided to leave his lover, who has to study in the unoversity to achieve her dream. It's a sad story but still positive. Maybe it's the biggest support or love to a lover. I always think of the nice resort in Rainbow Beach when I heard this song again in HK cos one of the staff there keep playing this song in the common room of the hostel.  Maybe he has similar experience.





So we've already established the fact that

things are gonna be different in the future baby.

And you've reiterated the fact that you don't

want to get into something that's just gonna have to end later.

Now I know our lives are changing and I've seen

it coming for a while too, don't get me wrong.

And I've been going outta town baby it's gonna happen more,

we gotta be strong but now


While I'm gone Just be a fly on the wall

You know I'm thinking about you

Just wait and see You gotta hear what I say

I'm in love with you   I'm not so far away


*Someday, someday I will be here babe

Someday, someday I will be the one babe*


I know you gotta go to university and

 I'm just trying to make some cash to follow my dreams.

But please don't say we're too busy

to give each other the time and support we need

I know we gotta work our jobs and

make some money to get by in this expensive world.

Don't let that overtake the fact that before all that,

you were still my girl.


While I'm gone

Just be a fly on the wall

You know I'm talking about you

Just wait and see

You gotta hear what I say

I'm in love with you

I'm not so far away


Repeat *

#Someday, someday I'll know that you love me

Someday, someday Sorry that I'm leaving

Someday, someday I will be here babe

Someday, someday I will be the one babe #


I'm in love with you I'm not so far away


Repeat *#


Someday, someday 

Look towards the sky babe

Someday, Someday

 There's no need to cry babe

I know that you're always what I want babe

I will be the one babe

Someday,  I will be the one babe  Someday,

I just need you here with me


2006年12月15日 星期五

sick leave



呢兩日完sai大部份約dissertation workshop 0既工作,相對興鬆,同同事又開始熟絡,感覺不俗。我department全部仔,冇比較,又唔使刻意同人熟絡,又唔使太介意自己本來粗魯0既言行態度,又唔使花錢買靚衫化靚妝,對我呢個懶人來講實在係好事。

不過呢幾日咳到黏肺,公司已經好多人病,我冇咩其他病,但就咳到同事都驚左我,又叫我帶face mark,又叫我睇醫生。本來只係咳我一定唔會睇醫生,不過上司尋日收工時半講笑咁同我講"你會唔會去睇醫生呀?"我話:諗緊" 佢笑笑口咁話"仲諗緊?趁個病0岩岩起快d去睇la! 你聽日番早都可以休息下!" 言下之意似乎有d擔心我會傳染人。於是我睇醫生今日請我人生第一個sick leave。仲記得0係澳洲果時有一日我病到聲都冇埋都照開工,仲要係農場工,家陣番office工只係幾聲咳就因為群眾壓力而sick leave,真有趣。

睇左before sunrise,做過backpacker之後睇呢套電影更加有feel。我都試過0係melbourne同個以色烈男仔玩左一日,不過最後當然冇主角們般發生咁多事。主角們決定唔留contact,決定開開心心將人生惟一相遇0既一日做到最美好就算,因為好多0係travel時相識0既人交換contact後聯絡一兩次就唔再contact,反而破壞左一段感情。我0係澳洲都同好多人交換contact,可惜好多都keep唔到。諗番轉頭,可能唔留contact好過留。

2006年12月13日 星期三


今日番工,食飯前仲同同事講高興終於都約sai 他媽的dissertation workshop
直至一個dissertation tutor出現,問我點解聽日咁多人個workshop得3個字
連埋食飯之前無la la俾人打上來鬧我重乜d成績未出你淨係識得答唔知
放過我la! 香港人!

雖然今次係我唔0岩,不過真係見識到呢d出來做野0既part time學生真係唔係我呢d初出茅廬仲拾下拾下0既細路女可以應付
好懷疑自己是否適合做customer service


well! 可以點樣? 我要認真想想probation後resign 0既問題


2006年12月9日 星期六






god! 一個大學畢業生居然要同個中三畢業生做同樣0既野,what the hell i'm doing here?


困左0係工作0既地方,生活已經俾番工食飯訓覺occuipy sai,冇時間惦第二d野



I dun want to be a small potato in a small company

2006年12月6日 星期三



我同佢講我地冇責任提學生,學生0係orientation時已獲通知幾時交學費,點知佢仲理直氣壯話佢地part time學生咁忙點會記得,又話之前winnie早幾星期已經通知要交學費,又叫我問有冇得extend。我話上司唔0係度我唔可以話事,佢話咁你唔可以打佢手提問佢ga 咩?我話我無理由0係人地工作時間以外打擾佢,點知俾佢插番轉頭話我做野可唔可以flexible一d?痴線! 點解d人咁橫不講理? 小佢老母!!!小小小小小小小!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

同其他同事呻,佢地撐我remind佢地交錢係bonus唔係奉旨,佢地有責任自己留意自己幾時要交錢。好無奈,好心作雷霹,唔提好過提。私校d學生真係難服待。我讀bu果時邊有人0下0下提你幾時做d乜?收email又睇d唔睇d,弱智。有個仲無聊到打來complain點解email個下款個tel no少左個字。god!點解d人咁無聊??


2006年12月3日 星期日

David Gray - White Ladder

David Gray is not an Aussie but I know him in Oz. I remember when the Irish girl ask me "Did you heard of David Gray?' when we were having an afternoon break in the car after working as a vine pruning worker for long hours,  I gave her this stupid answer "I heard about Craig David but I've never heard of "David Gray". She didn't say anything after that and played "White Ladder" in the car. I was surprised how come a small girl likes such an old man and boring song. But later I found that David Gray's song is sad, touching, and it's suitbale to listen when you are doing something eles (like typing blog, tidy up your messy stuff).  I brought this CD in Melbourne right after I sperate with Tak in Oz, feeling a bit lonely. And on the last few day I stayed in Emerald Backpackers (the backpackers that I 've stayed for more than 6 months totally), I played this CD and pack my backpack by myself in my room alone for hours. Emerald Backpackers is not a very comfortable place to sta. It's dirty, untidy and messy. However, since I stayed there for such a long time, I feel a bit sad when I was leaving.  I met lots of people and experience a not during my stay, and leaving this backpackers mean the Oz journey is come to the end. Even after I come back to HK, when I listen to that album, I can stiil have the sad feeling of packing alone in Emerald. I truly believe every single song can have different meaning to every single people.



2006年12月2日 星期六

Slim Dusty - Duncan

Another thing that make the trip so impreesive is the crazy tour guide (but he doesn't think he is crazy) , Carl. It's not a bad thing to have a crazy tour guide as long as he's not annoying. Carl is confident, positive, passionate, and willing to face challenges. These are the things I don't have but I need to have. I really appreciate a man who can have such a high capicity to survive and live in the wild. He was a city boy but he gave up the city life and live in the wild. He can make fire, use camp fire to cook nice dinner, and even catching gocodise in hands. Can you find a young man like him in Hong Kong? I afrad you can only find HK boys playing his PSP or mobile phone indoor. In Hong Kong, 十個男仔九個愛打機,第十個係非常愛打機。   

The song "Duncan" is so cute. It just talk about a man who want to have a bear with his friend Duncan and that 's it. I remember Carl sang it loudly while he was cooking with the camp fire. He even applied our names into the lyrics. How funny it is. 



Slim Dusty  - Duncan

I love to have a beer with Duncan   I love to have a beer with Dunc.
We drink in moderation
    And we never ever ever get rollin' drunk
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Duncan
'Cause Duncan's me mate, yeah

I love to have a beer with Colin
   I love to have a beer with Col.
We drink in moderation
   And it doesn't really matter if he brings his doll
We drink at the Town and Country
  Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Colin
'Cause Colin's me mate, mm-mm-mm

I love to have a beer with Kevin
Oh I love to have a beer with Kev.
We drink in moderation
And he drives me home in his big old Chev.
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Kevin
'Cause Kevin's me mate

I love to have a beer with Patrick
   I love to have a beer with Pat
We drink in moderation
  And it wouldn't really matter if the beer was flat
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Patrick
'Cause Patrick's me mate - Change key

I love to have a beer with Robert
I love to have a beer with Bob
We drink in moderation
Just one more and back on the job
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Robert
'Cause Robert's me mate

Slim Dusty - G'day G'day

Slim Dusty should be the king of country music in Oz, but may be many youngster in OZ don't know him. Even one of my HK friend who lived in Oz for more than 10 years doesn't know him.

I know him when I was having the Kimberley camping 4WD tour. The crazy tour guide of the trip, Carl addicted to him and played his song evrey day. The song "G'day, G'day" is most impressive as there's not of Aussie snag (such as "G' day", "How's going?", "Aussie") in the lyrics, making the song so Aussie, and at the end of the song, Slim Dusty sing with a group of children.

By the way, I really have no idea why I spend so much money to join a camping 4WD tuor in the Kimberley.  I have never heard of the Kimberley before I went to Oz. And even in Oz, I also don't know much about the Kimberley. I have no idea how does it look like and I didn't hear any other backpacker talk about it.  Even in Lonely Planet there's not much pages about the Kimberley. Maybe the god force me to go.  On the nine days tour, I saw so many gorges and gorges, of course some of them are really imprssive and gorguoes. For me, the most meaningful and impressive part of the tour is the original life style and the tour guide. In HK, I can't imagine to sleep under the numerous stars in less than 10 degrees, no shower, going to toliet by digging a hole on the ground, having a natural spa at night,  washing hair in the middle of a lake with the help of a white man and  screaming "Fuck you" in Cantonese on a hill.  

G’day G’day   -   Slim Dusty  

*G'day g'day, how ya goin', what d'ya know, well strike a light
G'day g'day, and how ya go-o-o-in'
Just say g'day g'day g'day and you'll be right

Isn't great to be an Aussie
Takin' a walk along the street
Lookin' in shops or buyin' a paper
Stoppin' and havin' a yarn with people that you meet

Down at the pub or at a party
Whenever you're stuck for what to say
If you wanna be dinky-di, why don't you give it a try
Look 'em right in the eye and say goo'day

repeat *

Now when Italians meet they all go crazy
The blokes all like to hug each other too
The Yanks invented "hi" "and see you later"
While the Pommy will shake your hand and say "how do you do"

Now watch out for a Frenchmen or he'll kiss you
The Spaniards go for "Olah" and "Olay"
But in the land of the cockatoo, pole cats and the didgeridoo
When you meet an Aussie ten-to-one here's what he'll say

repeat *

It's a greeting that you'll hear across Australia
From Geraldton to Goulburn, Gundagai
It's as dinkum as the Dingo and the Dahlia
And you spell it with a G, apostrophe, a D-A-Y

repeat *

The Veronicas - 4ever

The Veronicas is a successful girl group in Oz. It's obvious that they are Aussie as the way the drss and make up is a bit "娘" compared with some British or American girl bands. Even Twins in HK dress better than them. (Actually the 2 member of the group are biologically twins)

Normally I don't really like the stupid and girlish love songs of those girl group. But I really like that song as the lyrics is easy for second language speaker like me to listenand  understand and also I think the musical arrangement is great. Pop songs can also be brilliant and impressive.  I always can't help to sing along when I listen to the song.    


Here we are so what you gonna do?
Do I gotta spell it out for you?
I can see that you got other plans for tonight
But I don't really care

Size me up you know I beat the best
Tick tock no time to rest
Let them say what their gonna say
But tonight I just don't really care

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah
 Come with me tonight   We could make the night last 4ever*

I've seen it all I've got nothing to prove
Come on baby just make your move
Follow me lets leave it all behind tonight
Like we just don't care

Let me take you on the ride of your life
That's what I said alright
They can say what they wanna say
Cause tonight I just don't even care

repeat *
Lets pretend you're mine
We could just pretend, we could just pretend, yeah yeah
You got what I like
You got what I like, I got what you like
Oh come on
Just one taste and you'll want more
So tell me what your waiting for

repeat *


She's Love - End of Fashion

"End of Fashion" is one of my favoutrie Aussie band. Their style is a bit like Suede and other British bands I like. I know them at the final part of my journey. I think the first time I heard of the show is from a TV talk show called "Rove Live". Rove is a handsome and talkactive TV star. End of Fashion perform "She's Love" on thw show and I found that the song kept playing in my head. The song is not very popular , I cannot listen to it very often. Maybe because of it I 've never tired of it. I just addicted to the song and almost buy the album. One of the Korean girl in the backpackers I stayed bought the album and burn it into CD for me. Suprisingly, I found the CD in HK HMV costs $145, but I got it for free. 


She's Love -  End of Fashion

Time and time again
I'm over seduction
Closer now closer now stop
With my hand on a fire
Of a desire
When all I want to do is relay

She's love
She's love woah
She's love
She's love la da di

Sit don't stay
It's only the weekend
It's only that I care
Come on lover, love me like that
Why are you so windy
Where are you going
When all I want to do is relax

She's love
She's love woah
She's love
She's love woah
She's , She
’s love la da di

She's love
She's love woah
She's love
She's love woah
She's love
She's love woah
She's, She love la da di


O YEAH -  End of Fashion


I’m lazy, she ‘s a cow

The way she's looking at me now, wow,
When conversation comes my way,
I say I go to church to pray,
You know almost everyday,
It's then she walks away,

*Oh yeah,  
So you wanna talk about it for a while,
 Oh yeah  
So you went to school to re-learn how to smile
 Oh yeah  
She said la di da di dream, she said c'mon
 Oh Yeah, Well Oh yeah,*

Smoke too much and nod your head, (Yeah, yeah, just like that)
I can't remember what you said,
And your name again,
Constipation verbally,
Its then I walk away,

Repeat *

Come on
sweet candy,
Just give me some sweet candy
You make me feel oooh baby
You think you're all that

Oh yeah,
 Wanna talk about it for a while,
Oh yeah
Went to school to re-learn how to smile
Oh yeah
She said la di da di dream, she said c'mon
Oh Yeah,
Well Oh Yeah!

On and on and on and on and on...
Oh yeah


In the Summer Time - Thirsty Merc


"In the Summer Time" is so Aussie, or I should say, so east coast. This is a song for lazy people, especially those lazy backpackers who do nothing, just smoke and drink or swim in the pool under the damm hot burning sun in Queensland. I can always listen to this song when I travel along the east coast in Oz. Actually, I don't really enjoy the east coast as it was always party and party and crowded with tourists. Things are expensive as well. Those beachs and lake are undoubtly beautiful, but there just too many people and too noisey. I prefered quiet Tasmania or Western Australia. Party and party is  a part of western culture, or backpacker culture, but not my cup of tea.  Anyway, "In the summer time" always remind me the lazy travel days I was in the east coast,  as I was there in the lazy summer time, making my skin turned darkest I have ever been. People even think Tak is Thai. Funny!!

By the way, I highly recommend the vocal of the band has his haircut.

THIRSTY MERC  "In The Summertime"

I don't have a job I never liked them
I just wanna play in the sunshine

They say I was wrong But I know better
I live my life like I'm dying

Gimme a chance I'll do my best to kick and scream and dance
When winter comes I'll turn around

*Take me back to the sweet times  The hot nights
 Everything is gonna be alright In the summertime
 Baby, in the summertime
 And even if I have to wait til next year I don't care
 All I know is that I'll meet you there
 In the summertime Baby,

in the summertime

That is where I'll be*

I can't complain 'Cos I'm still breathing
There's nobody breathing down my neck now

Gimme a go Like an open furnace setting fire to snow
When winter comes I'll ask the crowd

Repeat *

So let me run I'll dream until my head weighs 16 tonnes
And when I wake sometime in June  I'll say

Repeat *


Surfer Paradise, a "must-go" sightseeing sight for people visiting Oz, crowded with tourist (you can even always hear Cantonese), too comercial, I don't really like there.

Try kanoeing in Nossa River, Queensland. I really don't know why I will take this challenge. I was fucking tired after doing tbis just for an hour. However, I did quite well and our boat ran quite fast. But I can't seat at the back as I am a poor directer. After this trip, I get sun burn and darkest skin I have ever have in my life.

Funny experience. We parked our boat at a small pier and waiting for our teamates. A group of locals were playing in the water near the pier and they inviteed us to join. They knew I am a non-swimmer so they put everything which could be float on me, making me look like an idiot. (The one in red safety suit is me). But it was really fun!!! I have never jump into the water with underwear.

At Fraser Island, the biggest sand island in the world which is famous with lake, sand, and dingo. Our teamates include an Irish couple, Aussie brothers and the girlfriend of the younger brother, Israel couple, an Israel boy. All are heavy-drinker.What a strange combination! But we have fun anyway.

Try Israel "水煙" (forgot the name of it).  Suprisingly, it tastes quite good, like fruit juice.

Main road in Fraser Island - beach.

Party on the last night in Fraser Island.

Sailing in Whitsundays Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Very relaxing, but also quite boring actually.

Beautilful White Heaven Island. I swam here even though I can't swim.

Try snokeling in Whitsunday Island. You will not know how muh does it mean to me as I am a non-swimer.

Try scenic flights in Canis, to see Green Island. Not that impressive.

Shannon Noll - Shine

I fell in love when I fisrt listened to this song, which was the time I worked in TNB farm, a farm located in Monbulk near Melbourne. I was doing tulip planting, a simple but super routine and boring job. The melody is easy to remember and the lyrics is so positive and optimatic. These two things are what I 'm short of  and what I need.

The job in TNB is shit but I have a good time there. It's because firstly, the pay is very good for backpacker ($16.5 /hr) but the job is not physically hard (but mentally hard). Secondly, the local worker are very nice and most of them won't treat Asian backpacker as cheap labour and have an intention to communicate with us, especially David, a funny black man and also the supervisor of the planting team. He likes talking to backpacker and always ask me to be his girlfriend (but he is  married with 3 kids) for fun, maybe because I looked shy and cutie. He gave us candy and gave me and Tak nice tomatos he planted in his garden. Thirdly, most of the co-workers in TNB, or other backpackers I should say,  are also nice and friendly. I remember on the night we worked for TNB, all backpackers who worked for TNB has a very nice chat until 3 am.

Shine - Shannon Noll


Get up, get out, get out, get out and lift your head,
Come on, come on, get up out of bed,
Today's the day you hold the world with your song.

Go now, go now, go now, help escalate.
Angels come down, help with this parade.
To hear your voice ring out,
Come on and shout it,
Let your song be heard.

This is the time,
This is the day that we've been waiting for,
 All the world will stop to watch you shine. *

Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now sing your hymn,
This is the new national anthem,
We will all stand on guard to let you be heard.
Let go, let go, let go all that can ask,
How beautiful this world has become,
Now everyone will see what I believe,
That these words should be sung.

repeat * X2

And if you fall,
And if you fall,
And if you trust and,
Yes it will come true.

Hey, hey

repeat *

With David and the German girl.

I remember after working as a planting working for a whole day, when I close my eyes, all I can see is those moving seed.

Having a five minutes break (per hour). This break is very essential to us. If not, we will lose our arms.

We took a group photo on the last day we work for TNB. From right to left: TNB日女、DJ Alo、高荷蘭佬、masa、黑人、永薰、橙帽、德情女、德情男、咸濕佬(老細). Of couse all these nicknames are "assigned" by me and Tak. It is fun and necessary to assign nickname to others as we need to 講是非 using Cantonese in front of them.

This tulip is a goodbye gift from TNB 老板娘. As Tak, me and Masa worked for them for couple of times, we can have more expensive tulips. This is the first and only time for me to recieve goodbye gift!

跟Mirror 悲喜與共 - 記Mirror Feel the Passion Concert

入坑三年,終於可以以合理距離現場睇到Mirror 12子的演出。雖然去年有兩次機會見到mirror,分別係迪士尼Fantastic Meet活動的mini concert 同埋喺會展搞嘅12怪盗分享會,但兩次的體驗都頗災難性。迪士尼那次雖然已提早兩小時去擺位,但因係唔夠早,連鏡仔...